A Talented Woman
A Full-Length Play
Lynda Sturner & Jim Dalglish
After her husband dies, Maxie discovers she’s spent most of her adult life living in a house of cards. Now she's destitute in a down economy.
Her practical daughter – who has her own set of problems with an unemployed husband and hellion daughter – insists that Maxie begin a new life of austerity and sacrifice. Maxie shops at Daffys instead of Bergdorfs. She takes the bus instead of a car service. She’s given up the Met, MOMA, BAM, and even Botox. Nothing seems to help.
If only someone… anyone… would recognize all the talent Maxie has to offer.
Hilarious and hard-hitting new comedy/drama by the authors of The Black Eye, Double D, Almost Sisters, and Super Lubricated
A Talented Woman Named Semi-finalist for National Playwrights Conference
March 1, 2013
A Talented Woman is a semi-finalist for the National Playwrights Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center. Finalists get to spend August at the center to work on the play with professional actors, directors, designers and producers.
We find out if we are finalists in April. Our fingers are crossed!
Find out more about the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center and the National Playwrights Conference: http://www.theoneill.org/summer-conferences/npc/
Eventide Arts Awards A Talented Woman the Kaplan Prize
January 21, 2013
A Talented Woman has won the 2013 New Playwright, New Plays Competition and the Kaplan Prize awarded by Eventide Arts. The prize includes two readings of the play on March 22 and 23 at 7:30 at the Gertrude Lawrence Stage of the Eventide Arts Center in Dennis, MA. (713 Main St., Rt 6A & Old Bass River Road, Dennis, Massachusetts.)
A little about the contest:
The New Playwrights, New Plays Competition encourages and stimulates the writing and production of new full-length plays by Cape and Island writers. The Competition is sponsored by Eventide Arts, a Cape Cod non-profit organization devoted to producing stimulating theatre for the purpose of inspiring thought and debate, and showcasing the work of local artists.
The Competition is open to full-length plays written by both new and experienced playwrights who live on Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket. One play will be selected by the judges and presented as a reading in March 22 and March 23, 2013 on the historic Gertrude Lawrence stage as part of Eventide Arts’ 2012-2013 season of plays, concerts and workshops. The winning Competition entry will be awarded the $1,000 Kaplan Foundation Prize. For more information: http://www.eventidearts.org/kaplan.html/
Read Our Press
Great stories printed about us in the Barnstable Patriot and the Provincetown Banner:
The Actors Studio Chooses A Talented Woman for Playwrights/Directors Unit Festival
June 16, 2013
The Actors Studio liked A Talented Woman so much after their first reading of the play on May 20th, they included it in their "Best of..." Festival. The reading was on June 16th at The Actors Studio, NYC (432 W 44th St, Manhattan.) Lynda and I were thrilled by the direction and the performances.
The cast:
Maxie - Penny Fuller (multiple Tony & Emmy nominee and Emmy winner)
Victoria - Dena Tyler
Harmony - Rachel Covey
Greg - Jack Gwaltney
Peter - Jack Davidson
Christopher - Josh Evans
Director - Mirra Bank
Find out more about The Actors Studio: www.theactorsstudio.org/
McCarter Theatre Center Offers Staged Reading of A Talented Woman
June 27th at 6pm
The McCarter Theatre Center in Princeton, NJ, is offering a staged reading of A Talented Woman that is open to the public. View flier.
The team:
Dramaturg: Emilia LaPenta, McCarter Literary Manager
Producer: Chelsea Adams
Director: Mike Donahue
Stage Manager: Anthony Bullock
The cast:
Maxie – Patricia Hodges
Victoria – Miriam Silverman
Harmony – Rachel Covey
Greg – David Furr
Peter – Tom Nellis
Christopher – Matt Saldivar